
《穎州的孩子》(Blood of YingZhou)2007年奧斯卡得獎紀錄片。

《好死不如賴活著》(To Live Is Better Than to Die)(台大圖書館可借到此片


1.  智行基金會:為了救助河南、安徽...無數愛滋孩童和遺孤而發起。

2.  中共 90 年代的「血漿經濟」打出「賣血致富」的口號,吸引了貧窮農民
     為了改善家計紛紛賣血。400cc~500cc可得  45~50人民幣。

3.  「血頭」抽血後,將所有血液混在一起放入分漿儀內,分出血漿拿去賣給

4.  「血頭」抽血時,針頭並未消毒,為了省成本,一支針頭不斷重複使用。 

5.  地方政府刻意隱瞞愛滋病實情。農民只以為怪病橫行,很認命,完全不知

6.   2001 年,中國政府承認「愛滋村」的存在。

7.  每月台幣 600 元,讓一個貧童有飯吃,有書讀。(關愛之家)


The story of the Starfish

An old man was taking a walk with his granddaughter on the beach on a beautiful evening. The picture perfect scenery warmed by the setting sun was spoilt by the thousands of starfish that were washed up by the sea and dying on the beach. The old man picked one up and threw it back

His granddaughter was curious: "Why did you do that, grandpa? There are so many!"

Her grandpa picked up another starfish and threw it into the water: "To us, this is merely one in many thousands, but to the starfish itself, this is its everything."

The tragedy of the AIDS epidemic through blood selling in Central China has touched the hearts of many and motivated us to begin the Orphans Project.. Sometimes, the suffering of the many thousands of orphans impacted by AIDS seemed overwhelming and their problems insurmountable, but we are always inspired by the story of the starfish and the courage of the children to go on. To each and every child we reach out to help, our efforts could be his everything.

Join us to fight the war on AIDS and help the children.

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